Monday, October 20, 2014

How to suck at talking to girls (or boys I guess too)

I've never been good at talking to girls. I'm just one of those kids who can't voice their thoughts adequately, so while I struggle and stammer and wrestle with small talk, there are a plethora of things I'd like to say trapped in the attic of my brain. I'd consider myself a professional in this field, so here's a list of how to suck at talking to someone of the opposite gender:

-If texting:
  • Talk about absolutely nothing. The more predictable the better. If you can get into a cycle of asking her what she's doing, followed by a pointless question, that's perfect. 
  • Try to be funny...because you'll end up trying too hard, confusing her by something you said, and you'll end up sounding flat out stupid
  • Talk about yourself too much and forget that you're attempting to have a two-way conversation 
  • Winking and smiling faces are good I've heard.
-If snapchatting:
  • Send selfies just of captions or anything. A filter is acceptable if you're feeling daring.
-If talking to a crush:
  • Refer to any of the tips above
  • Become way too interested too fast
  • Talk to them as much as possible
  • Listen to your thoughts...because overthinking is crucial
  • Hopefully if it continues long enough, you'll find yourself wondering what went wrong once more


  1. HAHA! The texting part is so true!!! I hate it when you send a long text and the girl reply's with a small one. Or you ask a question and they reply, then you send Yah, and they send Yah back.....Then it just stops....Girls cant expect us to magically come up with a million questions! Help keep the conversation going! Please

  2. Oh my word. I am dying. This was hilarious!!

  3. This is so great! I seriously do all of these things when talking to a crush, it's so bad but really funny in the way you presented it! Love it!

  4. This was wonderful. I think literally everyone can relate to this. Love it!

  5. Yep. Basically everyone already said it. But yes it was so true tis funny :) loved it!
